Ballet BC artists take to the stage and beyond in Take Form, September 6 and 7

Event sees eight new creations entirely choreographed, produced, and performed by eight of the company’s dancers

The artists of Ballet BC in Take Form. Photo by Benjamin Peralta


Ballet BC presents Take Form at the Newmont Stage at the BMO Theatre Centre on September 6 at 7:30 pm and September 7 at 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm


DURING THE HEIGHT of the pandemic when theatres were shuttered, Ballet BC artistic director Medhi Walerski came up with a way to keep the company’s dancers busy. Take Form was born, a digital event where the artists did everything that putting on a performance entails, from choreography to marketing to administration. It proved to be so valuable to the dancers and so compelling to audiences that it went live, selling out in 2023 and 2024. Now it’s back for its fourth year with a record-breaking eight new pieces.

The works are created by four dancers making their choreographic debut—Luca Afflitto, Joziah German, Pei Lun Lai, and Kaylin Sturtevant—and four returning voices: Michael Garcia, Orlando Harbutt, Jacalyn Tatro, and Jacob Williams. The artists have also done the lighting, set, and wardrobe design for each piece, expanding not only their creativity but also their practical skills. Among the themes that the works cover this year are identity and rehabilitation, all set within the intimate surroundings of the Newmont Stage.

This year’s edition features VIP seating in the front two centre rows plus a special gift of appreciation from the team for people in those seats.

Already the company has its sights set on moving to a larger venue with more seating and expanded technical possibilities for next year. 



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