BC Achievement Foundation opens nominations for Sam Carter Award Applied Art + Design

Applications accepted until June 30 for British Columbians who display excellence and inspire achievement in applied art and design

SPONSORED POST BY BC Achievement Foundation

Bridget Catchpole, 2023 recipient of the Sam Carter Award Applied Art + Design.


Nominations for BC Achievement Foundation’s Sam Carter Award Applied Art + Design are now being accepted, and will remain open until June 30.

Now in its 21st year, the Sam Carter Award Applied Art + Design honours excellence and inspires achievement in applied art and design throughout the province. The program celebrates British Columbians whose work enhances day-to-day life for individuals and contributes to the cultural and economic fabric of the province.

“I’ve always been making, ever since I was a child,” says Bridget Catchpole, 2023 recipient of the Sam Carter Award. “That’s what got me through so many things in life…was making.”

A combined exhibition showcasing the 2024 recipients for both the Polygon Award First Nations Art and the Applied Art + Design Award will be held from November 18 to 24 at the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre.

Nominate artists now at BC Achievement Foundation, and learn more about the nonprofit organization by visiting its website and YouTube channel.

Post sponsored by BC Achievement Foundation.