Burnaby Art Gallery launches contemplative new Kelly Lycan exhibition The Fireplace, June 21

Installation explores the powerful confluence of art and domestic space, referencing the once-residential gallery’s previous furniture, decorations, and styles

SPONSORED POST BY Burnaby Art Gallery

Kelly Lycan’s The Wallpaper (detail), 2024, repurposed mylar, fabric, scenic lighting gels, plastic packaging/garbage, resin, and 4 x 6-inch photographs from set-dressing, dimensions variable. Photo by Blaine Campbell


The Burnaby Art Gallery is presenting The Fireplace, an engaging solo exhibition by acclaimed photo-based installation artist Kelly Lycan, from June 21 to August 25. This exhibition invites visitors into contemplative spaces where art, architecture, and history intersect.

With a longstanding inquiry of repurposed and recontextualized interiors, objects, and materials, The Fireplace looks at a host of occupants in the once-residential space of the Burnaby Art Gallery, mediating between the world of objects and the absence of its former residents.

Drawing on her long history as a film-set decorator, Lycan’s works reference previous furniture, decorations, and styles that have passed through the gallery (a former domestic residence and monastery, among other uses), along with its prior inhabitants.

An opening reception, musical performance by My Name is Del, and book launch will take place on June 20 from 6:30 pm to 9 pm. More details are at Burnaby Art Gallery.

Post sponsored by Burnaby Art Gallery.


Kelly Lycan’s The Storage Unit (detail), 2024, plastic bins, photographs from set-dressing photo collection, dimensions variable. Photo by Blaine Campbell