Imaginario: An Imaginary Songbook of Renaissance Spanish Music features rare vihuela de mano, April 27

Armonía Concertada joins forces with soprano María Cristina Kiehr at Early Music Vancouver concert


Armonía Concertada. Photo by Alba Muriel


Armonía Concertada, featuring famed Argentine vihuela de mano player Ariel Abramovich, joins forces with soprano María Cristina Kiehr for Imaginario: An Imaginary Songbook of Renaissance Spanish Music, an Early Music Vancouver presentation, April 27 at Pacific Spirit United Church.

Travelling to Renaissance Spain, Imaginario offers a listening experience that blends the real and the imaginary.

Abramovich and Kiehr have created a vihuela and voice program drawn from existing polyphonic music from the Renaissance. During the 16th century ,thousands of vihuelas de mano were built and played, however only five or six survived into the modern era.

With the surviving books of the vihuela repertoire small, Abramovich has created a new imaginary songbook that provides an essential contribution to the rare stringed instrument’s repertoire.

Find more information on the concert here.

Post sponsored by Early Music Vancouver