Massey Theatre offers half-price tickets to frontline workers for Noises Off, February 15 to 27

Offer of laughter and fun is aimed at thanking everyone from teachers to grocery clerks to performing artists for their dedication

Post Sponsored by The Massey Theatre

Photo by David Cooper


The Massey Theatre is offering healthcare, frontline, and arts-community workers 50 percent off to see The Arts Club Theatre Company’s Noises Off at the venue during its run from February 15 to 27.

These are unprecedented times of great loss and lack of connection with friends, loved ones, and community. The Massey Theatre wanted to say a big “thank you” for the difficult work of healthcare and frontline workers (teachers, retail workers, hospitality staff, delivery people, grocery clerks, and more)—who have helped us all get through. It also wanted to recognize the community members in the performing arts who have lost work, motivation, and wellbeing by not being able to practise, perform, and bring art to everyday life.

Noises Off is a show filled with laughter, lightness, and energy, sure to bring a spark of joy and that feeling of celebration everyone needs. More importantly, it offers a way to connect.

Spread the word and share the offer with your friends and loved ones in these industries. The offer is valid until February 14, and applies to any day during the run.

Click here for more information, and use the code Frontline.

Post sponsored by the Massey Theatre