Shadbolt Centre for the Arts stages Ideas Bobert by Candy Bones Theatre, October 5

Candy Roberts plays a silent character à la Charlie Chaplin who ponders on what might result from denying one’s deepest dreams and desires

SPONSORED POST BY Shadbolt Centre for the Arts

Candy Roberts in Ideas Bobert.


Shadbolt Centre for the Arts brings Candy Bones Theatre’s wonderfully entertaining family performance Ideas Bobert to the stage on October 5 at 11 am and 2 pm.

Bobert is a silent character à la Charlie Chaplin who has a little red bird for a heart. His story asks the question, What happens if we are to deny our deepest dreams and desires? Teetering on the brink of absolute failure, Bobert discovers his heart to be more important than he knew.

Ideas Bobert is a tour-de-force clown comedy and conundrum created and performed by award-winning multidisciplinary artist Candy Roberts. With vintage silent-film styling, shadow puppetry, stop-motion animation projections, dance, and live music, the wordless world of Ideas Bobert is rich with magic and creativity. Comparable to Ginger Rogers meeting Mr. Bean on The Muppet Show, the production dances with the hilariously absurd.

For tickets and more details, visit Shadbolt Centre for the Arts.

Post sponsored by Shadbolt Centre for the Arts.