Théâtre la Seizième presents Salim Djaferi’s theatrical documentary Koulounisation, September 25

Franco-Algerian artist investigates his understanding of colonization by unravelling the thorny story of the French occupation of Algeria

SPONSORED POST BY Théâtre la Seizième

Salim Djaferi in Koulounisation. Photo by Thomas Jean Henri


Théâtre la Seizième presents Franco-Algerian artist Salim Djaferi’s Koulounisation, a captivating theatrical documentary that defies labels, at Studio 16 from September 25 to 28 at 7:30 pm.

It’s summer 2018 in Algiers, and Salim Djaferi enters a bookshop. Determined to fill the gaps in his understanding of colonization, he looks for the section devoted to the Algerian War—only to find that there isn’t one. The books on the topic are in the “Revolution” section.

Measuring the weighted meaning of language, Djaferi embarks on an investigation that explores the essence of colonialism, unravelling the thorny story of the French occupation of Algeria in the process. Through his semantic findings, a door opens into another language that shapes the space using symbols and scenography.

English surtitles are shown each night except September 27, when an artist talkback takes place in French. Plus, a French panel discussion—(Un)colonial language(s)—takes place at Studio 16 prior to the show on September 28 with Djaferi, Diane Campeau, and Anas Atakora.

Tickets are available at Théâtre la Seizième.

Post sponsored by Théâtre la Seizième.