Théâtre la Seizième presents Nombre, a participatory theatrical experience

The show, in French, is an adaption of Quebec-based collective Alpha Charlie Kilo’s unconventional interactive production

Oct 14 content image Nombre grand 21-08-30.jpg

Théâtre la Seizième is thrilled to present Nombre, adapted from the original creation by Quebec-based collective Alpha Charlie Kilo. This surprising, unusual participatory show runs at Studio 16 from November 2 to 6.

Here’s how the fun unfolds: At the top of the production, you receive simple, seemingly innocuous instructions. But thanks to an ingenious system of numbers, you’re rapidly plunged into the heart of a performance in which you and your companions in the audience are the inspiration and the main protagonists. Guided from a distance by invisible game masters, a thrilling story emerges—your own.

Nombre reminds us of the exquisite singularity of human interaction and the significance that a single encounter can hold in our lives. This collective and interactive experience brings people together n a unique community.

Proficiency in French is required; there are no surtitles.

Further information and tickets can be found here

Post sponsored by Théâtre la Seizième.