Vancouver Bach Choir's Reflections for Our Times concert reflects on issues of the modern world, November 12

Show marks world premiere of Frank Horvat's Memories of Self-Isolation and Western Canadian premiere of Sarah Kirkland Snider's Mass for the Endangered

Composer Frank Horvath. Photo by Anita Zvonar


The Vancouver Bach Choir launches its 92nd season at St. Andrew's Wesley United Church on November 12, with the Western Canadian premiere of Sarah Kirkland Snider's Mass for the Endangered and the world premiere of Frank Horvat's Memories of Self-Isolation.

These two contemporary works examine the challenges and opportunities of the modern world, both in nature and the environment—as well as the emotional toll of self-isolation experienced through the COVID-19 pandemic of the last two years.

Memories of Self-Isolation is a sequel to Horvat's earlier Music for Self-Isolation, a set of 31 short solo and duo works he composed in a mere six weeks in early 2020, as the pandemic took hold. For that work, he connected with an online community of musicians, writing pieces for their various instruments which they then performed online. For the new piece, the Vancouver Bach Choir has collected texts from the community through a public appeal, and Horvat worked with the words of seven talented poets to set their poignant words to music.

The second piece, Mass for the Endangered by American composer Sarah Kirkland Snider, will receive its Western Canadian premiere. The piece takes the traditional Catholic Mass’s musical modes and applies them to concern for non-human life—animals, plants, and the environment. There is an appeal to a higher power—for mercy, forgiveness, and intervention.

This concert goes beyond a traditional choral concert, blending beautiful music with an appeal to listeners to reflect on our modern world and act for positive change.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased online at

Post sponsored by Vancouver Bach Choir.