The VSO presents Dvořák’s New World Symphony, March 21 to 23

Program also features mezzo-soprano Marion Newman in the world premiere of Marcus Goddard’s Mountain Visions

SPONSORED POST BY Vancouver Symphony Orchestra

Mezzo-soprano Marion Newman.


Vancouver Symphony Orchestra showcases Dvořák’s New World Symphony at the Orpheum on March 21 and 22 at 8 pm as part of the Masterworks Gold series, and on March 23 at 2 pm as part of RGF Integrated Wealth Management Symphony Sundays.

In a concert led by VSO music director Otto Tausk, audiences are invited to experience Dvořák’s Symphony No. 9. Inspired by the open landscapes of North America, the work is universally praised for its lush melodies and epic beauty. The program will also feature Bruch’s Scottish Fantasy with VSO concertmaster Nicholas Wright as violin soloist.

Rounding out the performance, mezzo-soprano Marion Newman—who is of the Kwagiulth and Stó:lō First Nations with English, Irish, and Scottish heritage—will join the orchestra in the world premiere of Vancouver-based composer Marcus Goddard’s Mountain Visions, a celebration of the natural world.

Tickets to the concert and more details are available through the VSO.

Post sponsored by Vancouver Symphony Orchestra.



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