Vienna Piano Trio plays Friends of Chamber Music Concert April 10 as part of final tour

The trio plays with the homogeneity and rapport that comes from 34 years of interaction and experience


Photo by Nancy Horowitz


Long established as one of the world’s leading chamber ensembles, and perennially fresh in its artistry, the Vienna Piano Trio has played for Friends of Chamber Music since 1998. An upcoming concert on April 10 will be the organization’s seventh concert with the trio .

The trio has made constant appearances at major concert halls, such as Concertgebouw Amsterdam, KonzertNaus, Berlin Wigmore Hall, Citi de la Musique in Paris and in many festivals throughout Europe.

There is a natural ease to their playing that lends everything they touch a higher level of authenticity—not just getting all the notes right, but rather the “pheuma” behind these notes.

The recent recording of two Beethoven trios elicited this comment ”fortunately these performances meet every criterion of excellence in regards to sound and execution”. The Vienna Piano Trio is among the most celebrated of its kind, playing with the homogeneity and rapport that comes from a long-standing interaction and experience.

The trio was formed in 1988, and after 34 years has decided this is its final season. Friends of Chamber Music feels fortunate to be participating in this final tour, April 10, 3 pm at the Vancouver Playhouse. Information and tickets are here.

Post sponsored by Friends of Chamber Music