Boca del Lupo announces impactful updates to Stop Asian Hate campaign site, May 28

Sharing of Asian Canadian artists’ stories will coincide with an Alliance of Asian Canadians in the Performing Arts meeting in Montreal


Theatre artists of the Stop Asian Hate campaign.


The Alliance of Asian Canadians in the Performing Arts (AACPA) will meet in Montreal on May 28 to celebrate and promote Asian Excellence, and rise against anti-Asian racism by sharing voices, faces, and perspectives. To coincide with the national meeting, new videos, images, and writing will be posted on the website to magnify the impact and excellence of Asian Canadian live performing-arts professionals.

Spearheaded by Vancouver theatre company Boca del Lupo, will showcase creative expression from hundreds of Asian Canadian performing-arts professionals across Canada, sharing their personal stories of navigating challenges, breaking barriers, fostering growth, and celebrating successes as Asian Canadian artists. The contributions on will highlight the incredible work being created, presented, and toured by Asian Canadian artists, along with stories that prominently feature Asian narratives.

This year’s contributions include Lisa Li, incoming executive director of Tarragon Theatre, discussing self-care; Evelyn Chew talking about her role at Bard on the Beach this summer; and Hannah Mariko Bell thanking her mentor Claire Sakaki.

“Some of the most thrilling works we are seeing today are by Asian Canadian creatives,” says Sherry J Yoon, artistic director of Boca del Lupo, in a release, “Our communities are brimming with talent, and Canadian theatres and festivals are showing their support by presenting these exciting and innovative new works. I look forward to meeting our colleagues in Montreal, a first of many more meetings to come.”

Started in 2021 by a growing group of Asian Canadian performing artists, leaders, practitioners, and administrators, the Stop Asian Hate campaign unites folks who stand behind the message that the racism being seen, heard, and experienced is not acceptable.

When eight people, most of them Asian women, were shot in Atlanta on March 21, 2021, Yoon decided to “address the dramatic rise in Asian Hate laid bare by these racially motivated killings”, and arranged a meeting of Asian Canadian theatre-industry leaders alongside the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres. Shortly afterwards, the group—already over 100 strong—launched the Stop Asian Hate movement in response to their collective commitment to change.

For more information about the campaign, visit Boca del Lupo.

Post sponsored by Boca del Lupo.