Joe Ink's DANCE:CRAFT brings together objects, art, and movement, May 20 to 22

Five years in the making, work blends choreography with five craft elements, from glass to ceramics

Post Sponsored by JOE INK

DANCE:CRAFT. Photo by Michael Slobodian


Joe Ink and SFU Woodward’s Cultural Programs have announced the world premiere of DANCE:CRAFT, May 20 to 22 at the Fei & Milton Wong Experimental Theatre.

The exciting new project began as a cross-discipline performance work engaging Joe Laughlin and dancers’ in a dialogue with five prominent British Columbia Craft Artists, facilitated and curated by the Craft Council of British Columbia.

Five craft elements find their way into the piece: glass (Hope Forstenzer), metal (Stefanie Dueck), wood (Patrick Christie), fibre (Deborah Dumka), and ceramics (Debra E Sloan), all re-interpreted by celebrated choreographer Laughlin and acclaimed dance artists Heather Dotto and Joey Matt. The work is cross-disciplinary, collaborative, and cumulative.

The resulting show-installation features two dancers interacting with numerous craft objects in a reconfigured theatre setting. It’s craft seen through the lens of dance and remixed—a look at our relationship to objects, both creating and interacting with them. How do objects further extend the language of the body and its narrative possibilities? Laughlin also reflects on the limbic system, molecular memories, and the continual erosion occurring in the body—our connection with ancient materials like water and stone.

Aside from choreography and craft objects, the piece also integrates original music (by Jesse and Josh Zubot), lighting design (by James Proudfoot), and video design (by Eric Chad).

In addition to the performances, an exhibition of five virtual-reality films will take the viewer into the atelier of the artists.

The entire project was five years in the making, resulting in a fully realized production that aims to blur the lines between construction and performance, and the body as object.

You can find tickets and more info here.

Post sponsored by Joe Ink