Vancouver Cantata Singers fete the holidays with 20th annual Christmas Reprise, December 23 — Stir

Vancouver Cantata Singers fete the holidays with 20th annual Christmas Reprise, December 23

Matinee and evening shows feature winter favourites, from Miles Ramsay’s It Came Upon a Midnight Clear to Jocelyn Morlock’s Io, Io!

SPONSORED POST BY Vancouver Cantata Singers

Vancouver Cantata Singers’s Christmas Reprise at Holy Rosary Cathedral.


The Vancouver Cantata Singers are presenting their 20th Christmas Reprise on December 23, with a 2 pm show at the Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver and a 7:30 pm show at Queens Avenue United Church in New Westminster.

Join the choir led by artistic director Paula Kremer in this popular concert of traditional carols and contemporary Christmas compositions, as voices fill the resonant spaces of the Holy Rosary Cathedral and Queens Avenue United Church.

In the bustle of the holiday season, let the beauty of a cappella singing calm the spirit and transport the soul as the choir sings a festive mix of favourites, from Miles Ramsay’s It Came Upon a Midnight Clear to Franz Biebl’s Ave Maria. Audiences can also expect a new commission by Sam Dabrusin, and Jocelyn Morlock’s Io, Io!, a portrayal of joy in all its forms.

Tickets are available at Vancouver Cantata Singers.

Post sponsored by Vancouver Cantata Singers.