Vancouver artist Jin-me Yoon wins 2022 Scotiabank Photography Award
Since the ‘90s, Yoon’s work has examined gender, sexuality, culture, ethnicity, citizenship, nationhood, and more
Jin-me Yoon.
LOCAL ARTST JIN-ME YOON has won the 12th annual Canada-wide Scotiabank Photography Award. Yoon receives a $50,000 cash prize, a solo primary exhibition during the 2023 Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival, and a published book of her work distributed worldwide by art-book publisher Steidl.
Born in Korea, Joon is a professor of visual arts at Simon Fraser University and, in 2018, was elected as a Fellow into the Royal Society of Canada, a council of distinguished Canadian scholars, scientists, and artists.
Since the early 1990s, her lens-based practice “has critically examined the construction of self and other in relation to her own direct and inherited history, as well as within broader geopolitical contexts,” Joon’s website states. “Unpacking stereotypical assumptions and dominant discourses, Yoon’s work has examined gender and sexuality, culture and ethnicity, citizenship and nationhood. Adopting a wider and wider lens over time, her practice has become a deep investigation into entangled local and global histories existing at specific sites within the context of transnationalism.”
Jin-Me Yoon, Untunnelling Vision (Upon the Wreckage), 2020, inkjet print. Image via Jin-Me Yoon.
Yoon has exhibited work throughout North America, Asia, and Australia, and her work is held in 17 Canadian and international public collections, including the National Gallery of Canada, Royal Ontario Museum, Vancouver Art Gallery, and Seoul Museum of Art.
The 2022 Scotiabank Photography Award jury includes artist Edward Burtynsky (jury chair); Sophie Hackett, curator of photography at the Art Gallery of Ontario; Kenneth Montague, art collector and curator; and Gaëlle Morel, exhibition curator at the Ryerson Image Centre.
Shannon Bool of Comox and Toronto’s Barbara Astman, were also finalists for the 2022 award and will each receive cash prizes of $10,000.