The Improv Centre goes straight to the heart during LOVE MONTH

Valentine’s Day and the month of February have plenty in store for lovers looking for a laugh

Raf Rogers (left) and Alan Pavlakovic, LOVE MONTH.


The Improv Centre presents LOVE MONTH to February 28


THE IMPROV CENTRE is launching several new shows to mark the month of February, when Valentine’s Day takes over.

Single, Not Single runs on Fridays and Saturdays from February 7 to 28 at 9:30 pm. It’s geared towards anyone and everyone, whether they’re single, coupled, throupled, or none of the above. The Improv Centre performers—a different ensemble every night—will explore the ups and downs of relationships or the lack thereof.

Gal-entine’s Day takes place on February 13 at 7:30 pm. It will feature funny femmes in an exploration of the perks and drama of love and friendship.

The My Funny Valentine’s Day Show happens on the day itself, February 14 at 7:30 pm and 9:30 pm. TIC performers will dive into whatever juicy topics the audience serves up, with the focus on flirtation, fun, love, and laughter.  



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